NMO Introduction
How was it formed and why?
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Our Story
Two doctors and few medical students started this organization in the year 1977 (formally). The foundation was made on the welfare of under privileged people. The team believe in “Work is Worship” and its strength lies in the principle and self-less Miattitude of the associated doctors.
Health service to Nation Service (Swasthya Sewa se Rashtra Sewa)
Vision is to create service oriented, nationalist doctors who respect Guru Shishya Parampara (teacher student relationship in Indian sense) and respect Indian system of medicine
In 1977
Decision to mobilise medicos on a common platform to serve the poor, particularly in the rural areas was taken at a conference of medical students and doctors held on the occasion of the 23rd national conference of Akhila Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad.
Large number of medical students and doctors who had assembled here as delegates and observers to the ABVP conference resolved to name the new organisation as National Medicos Organisation. The objectives of the new organisation would be to develop national character, create a sense of devotion to the nation and humanity and creating fraternity among students of different systems of medicine.
The conference resolved to extend active co-operation to the Akhil Bharitya Vidyarthi Parishad and other patriotic and like-minded orgatnisations in different fields of constructive work.
The National Medicos Organisation will share the responsibility and of delivering primary health care services in the villages. The conference resolved and said that its units will concentrate on “OneCollege, one village” basis in keeping pace with the Gram Vikas Programme of the Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad.
Our Values
National Character Building
Inculcate the personality that a patient is expecting. These are usually not emphasised during the studentship at their colleges.
Bring in the value of maintaining the physical & mental health among the doctors so that they can pass it across to their patients.
Social Binding
We promote the doctors and students to get exposed to different geographies to offer their service. We help build the relationship
Self-less Service
Our doctors volunteers – both practicing doctors & students offer services at time of crisis and emergency.
What We Do
medical camps
Regular medical camps at the remotes part of the country to cover the areas that are not covered by the Government Healthcare sector.
Health Promotion
Inculcate the best practice for life-style diseases and diseases due to water and unhygienic habits, involving the public
Awareness campaign
Efforts to take healthcare awareness concepts to the general public. General insights into most common and challenging diseases
Self help for doctors
Helping the doctors community to standby together and help each other in shaping the career & mentor the students
Lord Dhanavantari
NMO Geet
निर्माणों के पावन युग में हम चरित्र निर्माण न भूलें !
स्वार्थ साधना की आंधी में वसुधा का कल्याण न भूलें !!
माना अगम अगाध सिंधु है संघर्षों का पार नहीं है
किन्तु डूबना मझधारों में साहस को स्विकार नही है
जटिल समस्या सुलझाने को नूतन अनुसन्धान न भूलें !!
निर्माणों के पावन युग में हम चरित्र निर्माण न भूलें !
शील विनय आदर्श श्रेष्ठता तार बिना झंकार नही है
शिक्षा क्या स्वर साध सकेगी यदि नैतीक आधार नहीं है
कीर्ति कौमुदी की गरिमा में संस्कृति का सम्मान न भूले !!
निर्माणों के पावन युग में हम चरित्र निर्माण न भूलें !
आविष्कारों की कृतियों में यदि मानव का प्यार नही है
सृजनहीन विज्ञान व्यर्थ है प्राणी का उपकार नही है
NMO Objectives
To work for the all‐round welfare and development of the medical profession.
To utilize their energy and dissemination of the medical knowledge for solving the various health problems of the downtrodden people of the nation particularly for the rural and tribal people with the help of central and state governments, educational, professional and voluntary and other social organizations.
To work for satisfying the basic needs of the medicos and to guide and help them in solving their various problems arising from time to time.
To develop national character and discipline among the medicos.
To promote constructive activities in social and cultural spheres and utilize medicos’ energies in the various nation‐building activities.
To seek the cooperation and good‐ will of doctors, educationists, educational and health authorities in the work of the NMO.
To promote better teacher‐student relationship in medical, dental colleges and institutes of medical sciences.
To promote the academic environment in medical colleges and institutes.
To form a common platform on the basis of a common mode of work for all the members of the medical community, viz. students, doctors and educationists for the reorganisation of medical education in the comprehensive context of national reconstruction.
To undertake and do whatever is required to achieve affordable, accessible and quality healthcare for every citizen of our nation.
mn mad-day
The total volunteers have contributed their time for mankind. The cumulative man-day dedicated.
Total number of volunteers till date who at some point of time contributed to build the organisation to this level.
Contributors directly involve and strategise for growth of the organisation. They work on dedicate time every week.
The number of beneficiaries with the medical camps, mentoring activities, self-help initiatives for doctors & students.
Mn social campaign
We are active in social media and constantly promote organisation activities to reach across the public.
medical camps
Till date we have successfully completed medical camps across the country. We have more to achieve.
Cyclist participated in promoting the healthcare awareness. We have many more messages to be taken to public.
Consistently, working towards achieving the national goals of NMO. We have lot to achieve in the years to come.
Your TIME is more valuable
Our Partners & Sponsors

- Lorem ipsum
- Consectetuer.
- Aliquam tincidunt
- Mauris eu risus
- Vestibulum
- Auctor dapibus
- Neque
- Nunc dignissim
- Risus id metus
- Cras ornare
- Tristique elit
- Vivamus vestibulum
- Ntulla nec ante
- Praesent placerat
- Risus quis eros
- Fusce pellentesque
- Suscipit nibh.
- Integer vitae
- Vestibulum commodo
- Felis quis
- Ut aliquam
- Sollicitudin leo
- Cras iaculis
- Ultricies nulla
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Head Office:
13-Bhai Veer Singh Marg, Near Petrol Pump, Gole Market, New Delhi, Delhi 110001